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Greetings to all the parishioners of St Pius X parish.  Most of you have now heard something about the proposal to St Pius X parish to provide for a new church and hall. We have received some feedback already.  Thanks to the parishioners who have already taken the time to respond. .  We want to ensure that all of you have the information and tools to give us feedback prior to Friday, December 15.


We will collate this information and report back on December 14,15 weekend.  The results of this first phase of consultation will form the basis for our next phase of consultation in January and February of 2025.  We will come to a decision as a parish by the end of February. 

Please respond to this request with any comments you may have.  We have attached a copy of the feedback form.   Poster boards with information are available in the church and hall.  Our website will have further information over time.

Please send comments to or

If you prefer, drop off your handwritten comments to the office or at church next Sunday. 

Thanks for your ongoing support as we review and understand this proposal. We love to hear from you and please share your feedback with us. 


Building committee

Glen Jones

June Bergman

Lance Berrington

Rob Koller

Rob Bedin

Dan Dan Deck

Father Sajo Jacob

CONVERSATION IN THE SPIRIT “For where two are three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Mt 18:20). “The path of synodality seeks to make pastoral decisions that reflect the will of God as closely as possible, grounding them in the living voice of the People of God” (ITC, Syn., 68). Conversation in the Spirit, or Spiritual Conversation, is an ancient practice of the Church particularly helping all the voices to be heard when people are gathered. It can used for faith sharing, difficult conversations, discernment, or when lots of creativity or ideas are needed. It is an excellent process to ground any conversation in the Spirit, open us to new voices and possibilities, and move us to action when appropriate. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Conversation in the Spirit focuses on the quality of one’s capacity to listen as well as the quality of the words spoken. This means paying attention to the spiritual movements in oneself and in the other person during the conversations, which requires being attentive to more than simply the words expressed. This quality of attention is an act of respecting, welcoming, and being hospitable to others as they are. It is an approach that takes seriously what happens in the hearts of those who are conversing. There are two necessary attitudes that are fundamental to this process: active listening and speaking from the heart. Ultimately, this interior attentiveness makes us more aware of the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the process of sharing and discernment. Please sign up for sessions – Sign up sheets are at the back of the church. Or sign up by calling the office. or signing this link.
Tuesday, February 4 – 7 pm in the hall
Thursday, February 6 – 7 pm in the hall
Saturday, February 8 – 2 pm in the hall

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Parishioners who may want to share comments, concerns, and questions with members of our Parish Council can get in touch with Glen Jones or June Bergman.

Worship Gatherings

Weekday Masses:

Wed, Thurs, Fri @ 9:00 am

Sunday Liturgy:

Saturday @ 5 pm

Sunday @ 9 & 11 am


2424 24 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 2A2

Near Crowchild Trail & 24th Ave NW

Office Hours

9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Monday – Friday

Closed Statutory Holidays

St.Piusx Catholic Parish, Calgary. 

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