Manna Ministry
Service and Outreach
Manna Ministry
What is Manna Ministry
It’s a vital and special Ministry of St. Pius X Parish whose MISSION is TO CONTINUE TO FEED “GOD’S CHOSEN”, NAMELY, THE NEEDY. It’s a parish project in which parishioners get involved by the hundreds. They are excited and ready to serve and share with the needy! They prepare and serve food for the homeless; they make sandwiches the first weekend of each month for the needy; they contribute necessary items to the Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS) the last two (2) weekends of January;
How did this come about? Read on!
St. Pius X Manna Ministry Committee was established in 1997. It was an “offshoot” of the “Feed the Hungry” Committee (1995) with a goal to serve more needy people each year rather than the one meal per year at St. Mary’s Cathedral. MANNA is the biblical term referring to the feeding of God’s chosen people in the desert; our MINISTRY is to continue to feed God’s chosen people, namely, the needy. Our goal is to involve as many parishioners as possible in sharing their food and time to such community agencies as: Mustard Seed Ministry, Calgary Drop-in Centre, Avenue 15, as well as contributing to the Calgary Urban Project Society.
Presently, the Manna Ministry Committee has Nine members who meet approximately three (3) times a year in September, January and June.
If you wish to know more about this Ministry and/or how you can participate, please contact Kathy. manna.minstry@stpiusx.ca
Get Involved!
Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups.