Liturgical Ministries

For all Parish ministries, please contact the Parish office to get in touch with the Ministry Coordinator. Additionally, you can fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries.
Liturgical Ministries
Due to the Pandemic, many of our Liturgical Ministers are no longer needed or their function has changed. We also need different Liturgical Ministers for this Pandemic. Please fill in a Ministry Sign Up form to volunteer for any of the following Ministries. These are general outlines of duties for all Ministries. For detailed instructions, please contact the office.
All Ministers are expected to arrive around 45 minutes before Mass begins.
Safety Coordinator
The Safety Coordinator is the Leader of the Team of Ministers for a particular Mass. He/She will check in the Ministers as they arrive, oversee the team and assist where necessary and secures the Collection basket once Mass begins. He/She will also lock the entry door when Mass begins.
Point Of Entry (POE) Minister
The POE Minister is the first person that Parishioners see when arriving for Mass. He/She places the signboards outside the entry of the church, which indicate the directives from the Diocese, Alberta Health Services and the City of Calgary. The POE will ensure that all Parishioners coming to Mass are checked in on the Contact Tracing Sheet and that they comply with the AHS self assessment questions.
Two Ushers are required for each Sunday Mass. They will seat Parishioners in the designated spots within the church (to maintain physical distancing), hand out face masks, if necessary, direct the Communion line and assist with directing the exit of Parishioners after Mass.
Eucharistic Minister (EM)
The Eucharistic Minister will prepare the Altar vessels before mass, distribute communion (Precious Body only) and clean the Communion vessels after Mass.
One Lector is required at each Mass to read the Entrance Antiphon, First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, the Gospel Acclamation and the Communion Antiphon. If there is no Deacon present, the Lector will also read the Prayer of the Faithful.
Audio/Video (A/V) Minister
Two A/V Ministers are needed for each Sunday Masses (9AM and 11AM) and a third AV Minister is needed for the 11AM live streaming . He/she will set up the A/V equipment before Mass, start and monitor the Livestreaming during Mass and securely put away all of the A/V equipment after Mass.
As there are no choirs at this time, a pianist or instrumentalist (strings only) provide some music before Mass begins and during Communion.
Two Sanitizer Ministers are needed for each Mass. They would be responsible for sanitizing the pews and other high touch point areas around the church, after Parishioners have left after Mass.
Collection Counters
Working in teams of 2 or 3 people, the Collection Counters count the Parish donations and prepare a bank deposit. This is done during office hours.
General Volunteer
Throughout the year, our Parish requires the assistance of volunteers to keep everything running smoothly. If you can help out, either regularly or occasionally in any of the following ways, please sign up as a General volunteer and we will contact you about your availability and interests:
Cleaning and pressing Altar linens
Watering/caring for plants in the church
Watering/caring for the outside gardens (seasonal)
Assisting with Liturgical decoration (usually when there is a change of season, e.g. Advent, Christmas, etc)
Selling grocery cards for our fundraiser
Some minor cleaning duties around the church and office