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Supporting St. Pius X

Be a Part of Making a Change

Thank you to all of our Parishioners who continue to support our Parish.  This is what keeps the lights on and the programs going.


We would like to make it as easy as possible for you to make a donation, so we have a number of ways to donate.

Your Generosity Matters

Donation Envelopes

In this traditional method of donating to the church, you can pick up a box of donation envelopes each dated for all the Sundays and Special Collections of the Catholic Church for the entire year. Boxed envelopes are available in the vestibule. (Unfortunately it is too expensive to mail them). Be sure to put your name, address, email address and phone number on the first few envelopes that you use, so that your donations are all attributed to you. If you would like BOXED Donation Envelopes please contact the office to make this request.

Visitor Envelopes (Pink)
Use a (pink) Visitor Envelope or (white) ‘God loves a Cheerful Giver’ envelope: These are available year round in the vestibule of the church or in the pew boxes. Ensuring that your contact information is printed on them will ensure that you will get a tax receipt at year end.
Pre-Authorized Donation PAD
This method makes regular contributions very easy and you can use VISA, MasterCard or Debit. Just fill in the form below and drop it, at or mail it to, the office. Annual donations over $20 will receive an Income Tax Receipt at the end of the year.

e-Transfer Donation

You can make an easy and fast donation straight from your bank account to the Parish bank account. How?

  1. Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.

  2. Choose or add the St Pius X email (

  3. Enter the amount you wish to donate

  4. Under ‘Message’ state where you want your funds to go, e.g. Sunday Collection, New Hall fund, Together In Action (TIA), Special Collection (state which one), etc.

Cheque Donation

Please make your cheque to “St Pius X Roman Catholic Church” and mail it to our address:
2424 24 Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2M 2A2
Additionally, you can drop off your cheque in the Parish mailbox. The mailbox is located next to the Office door, which faces 24th Avenue.  The mailbox is locked and monitored daily.

If you would like boxed DONATION envelopes, please contact our Parish Office to make this request.

Grocery Card Fundraiser

 The grocery cards are on sale after weekend Masses. They will also be on sale Fridays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am from the Parish office.
Thank you for continuing to support our Parish fundraiser. 

Feeding the Poor

There is still a need to feed the poor. You can help by supporting St Vincent de Paul.
If you would like to make a donation to SVDP you can drop off a cheque at the parish office – open Tuesdays and Fridays.  Please make cheques payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society. 
**NEW** You can now donate directly to our St Pius X Conference via e-transfer. New donation address is  Please state your full name and address in the memo line if you would like to receive a tax receipt, as St Vincent de Paul may not have access to Parish addresses.  Tax receipts will be sent via email for donations over $20.00.
Thank you for your ongoing support.

Planned Giving


Did you know that you can also make a planned gift to St. Piusx Parish ? Examples would be: naming St.Piusx Parish as a beneficiary in your will, donating a life insurance policy, gifts of registered plans, etc. To learn more, contact parish office.

Tax Receipts

According to CRA guidelines, valid tax receipts should have the full names of the donors and the respective addresses which are usually included in your parish registration. If you are not registered, please provide us with your full and postal address (includes postal code) in order that a valid tax receipt can be issued in your name. For etransfer donations, please include a note about allocation (ie. Mass intention, wedding or funeral, TIA or general donation). 

If you prefer to donate through other methods (e-transfer, preauthorized debit, text to donate, or online donation) and won’t need any more envelopes, please contact the office:

If you have any address change, please update your new address. Please contact the office

Worship Gatherings

Weekday Masses:

Wed, Thurs, Fri @ 9:00 am

Sunday Liturgy:

Saturday @ 5 pm

Sunday @ 9 & 11 am


2424 24 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 2A2

Near Crowchild Trail & 24th Ave NW

Office Hours

9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Monday – Friday

Closed Statutory Holidays

St.Piusx Catholic Parish, Calgary. 

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