Grocery Card Fundraiser
Grocery Cards
UpdateGrocery CardsSt. Pius X is a participant in the grocery card program offered by local grocery stores. By participating in the program, we can all help fund raise for the parish. Key questions regarding the program are listed below.
The Grocery Cards are sold after every weekend mass in the vestibule. Contact the office if you wish to purchase some during office hours.
Service and Outreach
Grocery Card Program FAQ
​​What is the Grocery Card Program?
The Grocery Card Program is a fundraiser, based on “volume buying” whereby a percentage of each card comes back to St. Pius as earnings.
How does it work?
When you purchase the card at St Pius, you receive the full face value of the card, PLUS from every card, St Pius X Parish receives:
CO-OP – 6 %
Safeway/Sobeys – 6%
Superstore – 5%
Can I use these Cards for fuel and transit passes?
You can use your cards for fuel at CO-OP Gas Bars only. Transit passes can be purchased at any of these stores where this service is available.
What other supermarkets will accept my grocery card?
Across the country, you can use your cards at:
Safeway/Sobeys: Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, Freshco, Thrifty Foods
Superstore: Loblaw stores including Superstore, Loblaws, No Frills, Wholesale Club
Co-op: participating Calgary Co-op locations
Can I ‘re-fill’ my Grocery Card?
Yes, you can ‘re-fill’ your card, however your ‘re-fill’ will not benefit St Pius. If you wish St Pius to continue to receive the fundraiser benefit, you need to purchase a new card every time.
Do I still get my REWARDS?
Absolutely YES!!! Your CO-OP number, Scene (Sobeys), and PC Optimum points all apply.
Do the Grocery cards expire?
No, the grocery cards never expire.
How can I pay for my Grocery Cards?
We take cash, cheques (preferable), Debit, VISA and Mastercard.
How much does it cost the Parish for debit and credit transactions?
For each debit transaction (regardless of the amount), it costs the Parish $0.05, while it costs the Parish 2.2% per credit card transaction.
What denominations are being sold?
Grocery cards are available only in $100 denominations each.
When can I purchase my Grocery Card?
Grocery Cards will be on sale after Weekend Masses in the vestibule and throughout the week from the Parish office during Office Hours.
What are the benefits of buying grocery cards?
Each year, Parish Council makes a decision on the best way to use the net proceeds from this fundraiser. In 2023, as in the last two years, the decision was made to direct funds towards Parish operations.
You will be making a difference, just by doing what you always do—-buying groceries, and fuel.
These Grocery Cards are also most beneficial, for gift giving, such as students in University, Christmas giving, or any other occasion that arises.
Remember,the Parish receives $5 to $6 every time you purchase a $100 grocery card and you have the full spending power of $100 including your rewards points that you acquire at the grocery stores.
Who do I contact should I need more information or to assist with sales?
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